What is your crowd type ?

Claire BécretDe notre fenêtre

Outside school holidays we mostly welcome solo travelers, couples or hand of friends. Age range goes from 20 to 40+ y/o but please don’t impede yourself if you’re over 50 as we had welcomed a couple of great gray guests and can provide their contact for a testimony ! A mix of various nationalities is hoped but over the year a majority of french speaking guest is noticed. Please join to balance that ! We offer 2 private bungalows for couples or couples with a young child and can connect young parents with reliable baby sitters.

On school holidays we usually welcome 1 ou 2 families of 4/5 and also individual guests (about 8 adults) + a small group of teenagers (6 to 8 maximum) that we supervise at all times, completely independent from the rest of the group. The cohabitation is substantial and always a good surprise as respect of everyone’s rythme and person is a must.