What languages are spoken ?

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We obviously speak french as we are from France but the whole team speaks fluent english and spanish. Our seasonal workers can be from all over the world so I french and english are alternatively the spoken language at the Lodge and the surf school. Surf lessons are usually thought in both languages.

What is your crowd type ?

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Outside school holidays we mostly welcome solo travelers, couples or hand of friends. Age range goes from 20 to 40+ y/o but please don’t impede yourself if you’re over 50 as we had welcomed a couple of great gray guests and can provide their contact for a testimony ! A mix of various nationalities is hoped but over the year a …

What is the neighborhood like ?

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The Lodge is located 7 km from Casernes’ beach. It’s an old « Airial » which is typical of Landes’ architecture : a farmhouse that has been renovated and turned into guests bedrooms, a 100sq meters renovated barn turned into the communal room. The scullery has become a private accommodation for couple (The Bungalove) and the Fermette, also for couples, was the old …

Where is the nearest beach ?

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The Lodge is 7km away from the beach « Les Casernes », 10’ drive + 5’ walk, 15’ to 20’ with electric bike and for the most athletic guest about 30’ to 40’ with a classic beach bike. All the other surf spot like Hossegor Gravière, Seignosse Estagnots and Bourdaines are 15’ drive. The Villa is 400 meters walk away from l’Agréou …

Are you close to the bus or train station ?

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The Lodge is less than 15’ drive from St Vincent de Tyrosse local train station. Bigger stations are Dax (15’) or Bayonne (20’) and Bordeaux (about 1h15’). Bus stop in Soustons l’Île Verte is less than 10’ drive. The Villa is 20’ drive from St Vincent de Tyrosse. Bus stop is at Seignosse Tourism Office about 5’ walk.

Je dois malheureusement annuler mon séjour. Procédez-vous à un remboursement ?

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Diverses raisons peuvent empêcher le stagiaire d’effectuer le séjour à la date prévue, l’annulation sera sujette aux conditions fixées ci-dessous : – toute annulation du stage survenant plus de 30 jours avant la date du début du stage entraîne la restitution de l’acompte versé ; – toute annulation de la part du stagiaire survenant moins de 30 jours avant la …